Monday, March 02, 2009

Big, Empty House

This morning before heading off to the Hospice I found myself wandering somewhat aimlessly through the house, feeling rather disoriented. What did I need to take along and where is it?

This is the first time in nearly 40 years that it's just Stan and I living in our home, and it's a large house. Over the years we have either had children or boarders or both sharing our home. And, most recently, Papa has shared it.

It will take some time to adjust but I've been assured it won't take long. We look forward to renewing our relationship. Stan looks forward to having me travel with him on out of town contract work. I suspect housework will be minimal compared to what I am accustomed to..yeah!!!


  1. If you feel the need to be around many loud noisy people, I have a few you could always visit!

  2. Indeed, Paige, it is my plan to spend time with your family once this road ends.
